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Phone: 616-368-2029
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Criminal Charges
Larceny & Retail Fraud (Shop lifting)
White Collar Offenses
Assault & Battery
Domestic Violence
Aggravated Assault
Home Invasion
Weapons & Firearms Offenses
Drug Offenses
Computer Crimes
Criminal Defense

OWI / DUI / Drunk Driving
Operating while Intoxicated / DUI (also known as Drunk Driving)
Operating while Impaired
Driver's License Appeal
DLAD/ Driver's License Restoration
Operating Under Influence of Drugs
Open Container
Minor in Possession of Alcohol (MIP)

Traffic Violations
Speeding and Traffic Violations
Careless Driving
Reckless Driving
Driving while License Suspended (DWLS)
Operating without Insurance
Commercial Vehicle Violations
Whether you are facing a speeding ticket or a serious misdemeanor or felony charges you need to call Criminal Defense Attorney Timothy Slais. I have experience working in the criminal justice system since 1995. I learned the law by enforcing it first-hand as a State Trooper with the Michigan State Police. I am familiar with the procedures that police should follow when conducting criminal investigations. I also have extensive experience in the courtroom because I have represented the State of Michigan as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in Berrien County for over four years in numerous felony and misdemeanor cases and, during that time had tried several jury trials.
Criminal charges have serious implications, ranging from social stigma to fines, jail time, or even prison. Even a simple traffic offense can have penalties that can cost you thousands of dollars and can leave you without a driver's license and possibly cost you your job. If you have legal troubles, you need an attorney that has the experience to help you through your problems in a manner that benefits you the most.
Only a former prosecutor can think like a prosecutor to best anticipate the government’s strategy and formulate the right plan to counter it. When you are facing criminal charges and your back is against the wall, this kind of knowledge is invaluable, and I will use everything at my disposal to make sure that your rights are protected and you get the best possible outcome in your case. No matter what charge you are facing, you need to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney to make sure that you receive the best possible outcome. Call Criminal Defense Attorney Timothy A. Slais for a free phone consultation!
Attorney Timothy A. Slais
Ottawa County Defense Attorney | Holland Defense Attorney | Allegan County Defense Attorney |
Van Buren County Defense Attorney | South Haven Defense Attorney | OWI Attorney | DUI Attorney
Serving Ottawa County, Allegan County, Berrien County, and Van Buren County.
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